Landi, Max


YouTube Channel



Born in England, raised in Canada. Having an appreciation for everything mechanical, Max moved into the world of auto journalism after graduating Engineering Technology at SAIT.

Recent Articles:

  1. 2021 Nissan Rogue AWD Review: Is It Worth Your While?

    Max Landi

    In a crowded segment, does the new Nissan Rogue have what it takes to stand out?

About our members

The Automobile Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC) is an association of professional journalists, writers and photographers whose focus is the automobile and the automotive industry. The majority of our journalists test-drive, and report on, new vehicles on an on-going basis in various media across the country.

We offer our expertise to consumers in a variety of ways so that they may benefit from our journalists' professional experience.

If you have a question about automobiles, we encourage you to read our journalists' articles in newspapers and magazines, listen to their radio programs or watch their television shows all across Canada.

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